Reading This Map at the Mark of the Red Eyed Parrot Sea of Thieves

Riddle Guide

Sea of Thieves

The Ocean of Thieves Riddle Guide: Solutions for Riddles on every Island!

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Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. 'Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. 'Tis a place to handclapping each other on the back. 'Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we've plant proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each humming with a vibrant pirate customs! Want to join in the merriment? Ye volition always find a hearty welcome at our table!

Aye, we pirates exercise love a good tavern. 'Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. 'Tis a place to clap each other on the dorsum. 'Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we've establish proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Desire to bring together in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

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Want to keep a weather centre out?

Jot downward yer email, and nosotros'll be sure to let ye know when at that place'due south something new on the horizon.

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Angela Greiser

Where is the barnacled pots on sunkenGrove


Where are crooked mast riddle

Amir Abdollahi

They are under "The Crooked Masts". The island's official name starts with the discussion "The" so information technology's under T alphabetically.

Sam Barrow

You're missing some islands, especially Devil's Thirst.

Amir Abdollahi

Hmm, what islands? Nosotros are not missing any islands that have riddles that I am aware of. The Devil'southward Thirst is also present with xiv riddle clues on this folio.


The human being spent his fourth dimension to organize all the riddles n their is no thank yous?
Cheers Amir Abdollahi, ur a true pirate legend:D


Y'all are missing the Sunstone Riddle on Plunder valley

Amir Abdollahi

Great catch! We do not have that one. Information technology'southward on the East shore correct? We will go hunt it downward and go it added to the map as presently as we can. Give thanks y'all so much for letting us know!


Hello, I was doing the due north stone passage between the 2 boarposts on cadaverous reaches, and it wasn't working even tho I was reading the riddle similar the riddle said

Amir Abdollahi

Hmm…that is odd. So these were the boar posts to the Due north of the island near the "Cavern of Bones to the North"? What did you take to practise in that location? If it is play music, sometimes y'all have to start and stop playing while switching between songs.


Thanks for the great info. Institute this riddle I didnt see in your list on Flintlock Peninsula. (Reading this map at the stone trapped remains of "Flintlock" Bert nigh the North Beach is wise, another clue it does disguise.)


Thanks so much for posting this Amir! Is at that place whatever way to view this from inside the RareThief SoT app?


It'due south only and so much faster to be able to quickly scroll through an alphabetical list of islands such as in this commodity rather than searching for each waypoint and being scrolled effectually a map that you need to zoom into, that'south all.

Connor Bates

i've found butterfly lookout but the next part of the riddle doesn't prove


[…] all landmarks are landmarks. Containers cannot exist landmarks. If the clues are likewise hard for you, there's always a way to cheat and find the answers, but you still have to detect the […]


Thanks a lot homo. This is most helpful


Nothing shows when I click them at present they aren't showing me them on the map anymore.

Amir Abdollahi

Hmm, that's odd. I merely tried clicking on and it opened upwardly in a new tab. Any detail riddle?

Mckenzie Gorman

Thieves haven inner twin waterfalls

Amir Abdollahi

Inner twin waterfalls eh? Is that the official name from the riddle map? Thanks for letting us know well-nigh this landmark! Practice you remember whereabout nosotros can discover it? Nosotros can't wait to add together it to the map!

Savage Alien (@savagealien)

Shark Bait Cove'southward "Opposite Facing Fish" is known on riddles every bit "Twin Fish boulder". RareThief Maps besides has it listed as "Opposite Facing Fish".

Amir Abdollahi

Awesome find! Thank yous for letting united states know near this 🙂 Nosotros will get it updated every bit shortly equally we tin!


thanks so much this site has been super helpful with all our riddles that accept been hard to find! Y'all are amazing to go out of your fashion to practise all this


Kickoff of all, give thanks y'all for this site. It has been extremely helpful in solving the riddles. Even so, y'all are missing one for Mermaid's Hideaway. It starts with "Find the top of the smallest grassy rock stack to the South..".

Amir Abdollahi

Thank you for leaving the overnice message! Glad nosotros could help out 🙂 Ooh, good catch! That one will be great to add together to the map. Thanks for leaving the specific riddle text as well. Is it this one here?


Yes that looks like the right area. Only reason I caught it is because that is the riddle I had today and couldn't find a matching descriptor on here to help out.

Amir Abdollahi

Great, thanks! We will go it added to the map every bit shortly as we can. We dearest hearing about new riddles we don't accept yet so this is awesome! Give thanks y'all again!

Justin Hoppe

Hello, I'k not sure if information technology goes under a different name, but there is a riddle on wanderer'due south refuge that isn't on the listing. It goes, "Secrets hide my merely legacy, at the high ground above the rocky tunnel to the far south west unlocked by melody." I found it above a modest rock passage just north of the last extension of the isle.

Alison Jog

Hi. Not certain if anybody else has updated you on this just since I don't run into a link to it under Sunken Grove. Information technology is a riddle talking about the barnacled chests to the north e. And the second half of the riddle varies because of reading the map, lifting lantern, etc.

Alison Jog

Nevermind, ignore this annotate. I run across that y'all have the barnacled chests for Sunken Grove just they are classified under opened treasure which is why I didn't see it.

Amir Abdollahi

No worries! Did your riddle say barnacled chests? If so we tin update the list to include both names.

Alison Jog

Yes my riddle said barnacled chests to the North East.


How the is this a riddle guide? You lot don't list whatsoever riddles! If I knew what I was looking for I wouldn't be looking for a guide at present would I? This is worse than worthless because I got my hopes up on how to solve a riddle but it just shows the land marks at the end of the riddles!

Amir Abdollahi

Ahoy there! The riddles for the Gold Hoarder voyages can be unlike for every pirate. While 1 riddle might tell someone to play an instrument in front of the Painted Fire, some other riddle could have someone raise their lantern in front of the Painted Fire. Having to sort through every variation of the riddle would be exhausting so we narrowed the riddles downwards to the part that actually matters. Since there are merely several ways to interact with each riddle inkling (raise lantern, read map, play instrument), the hard role of the riddle is locating the landmark or rock painting. So if you lot are stuck on a riddle, choice out the action y'all need to exercise and the landmark or rock painting you lot need to do it by. If you know where to detect the landmark or rock painting, then you are set. If not, hopefully this guide volition aid you find the inkling in question 🙂


Thanks a lot man, helped me and my friends a bunch of times

Alex Kacary

What about "A fortune stolen by the renowned watch yor backson"?

Amir Abdollahi

Hmm, we haven't come across that one yet. Which island was it on? Do you happen to take a moving picture of the riddle so we can see the whole thing? Thanks!

Bill Weaver

Found a inkling for Thieves Haven not on your list.
"Secrets hide my only legacy, at the rickety hanging platform above the inner waters unlocked past melody"
I had to drib down to the platform. Music didn't piece of work from above.

Amir Abdollahi

Dandy find! We will get that added soon 🙂 Cheers so much for letting u.s. know!


Yo, I don't know how to solve this "At the duelling venereal on the South West embankment secrets once were lost, a shanty is the rumored cost" on Cheat'southward Hollow


For this guide, you need to go to the Crook's Hollow section and find the clue that says duelling crabs. That clue volition evidence y'all the location on the island where y'all need to go. Once standing in forepart of the duelling venereal, y'all demand to play an musical instrument. That part volition exist some trial and mistake with unlike instruments and shanties. Hope this helps!

Amir Abdollahi

Ahoy in that location! So this guide here helps you lot find the landmark or rock painting you need to discover. The rest of the riddle related to the landmark or rock painting tin is dynamic and can exist random. If it says smooth a light, you'll want to raise your lantern in front of the landmark or rock painting. You might too exist asked to read the riddle map or play an musical instrument. As for instruments, it doesn't matter which you cull. Expert luck out there pirate! Cheers for leaving your findings 🙂

Alison Jog

Hullo Amir, I have a riddle on Shipwreck Bay that you lot don't seem to have on this guide. The specific text was "Find the tunnel cut through the rocky tiptop". This is referring to the tunnel in the highest peak area.

Amir Abdollahi

Not bad observe! Thank y'all so much for letting us know well-nigh it 🙂 Nosotros will go check it out and get it added to the map! Thanks!


hi so i got stuck at the riddle in Cresent Island. It said "Go to the summit rock of rockpool waterfall to the n …, calorie-free shining is what you lot need" can anyone help me with that

Alison Jog

Hullo Artemis. So if you are using this riddle guide, go to the section Crescent Island. Then click the clue "top of the rock pool waterfall to Due north" which will testify y'all a film of where yous demand to be. For the calorie-free shining part, yous need to raise your lantern. You might need to effort shining the lantern in a few directions at the top stone to get it to activate. Hope this helps!

Amir Abdollahi

Peachy explanation 🙂 Thanks for stepping in!

Amir Abdollahi

It should exist this ane here.


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